Brioche Pasquier
Since 1936, the French Family Brioche Pasquier has offered a range of Brioche, Pâtisserie and Biscotte using traditional recipes. Brioche Pasquier reached out to Shopmium to drive awareness, recruit new buyers and drive ROS on their NPD: Strawberry PITCH.
The solution
A 360° plan including touch points across the path to purchase
A brand channel was set-up to showcase Strawberry PITCH and maximise visibility for the brand and product. To encourage trial and purchase, Brioche Pasquier delivered a promotional offer of 50p off during the first wave of the campaign. For the second wave a try for £1 offer was set-up to encourage repurchase and incremental footfall in stores.

A media plan to increase visibility
To maximise the exposure of the campaign, Shopmium set up a communication plan to engage the right audience and maximise visibility through newsletters, push notifications and social media posts.
Positive insights
The campaign proved to be a success, meeting Brioche Pasquier’s goals and providing valuable insights on the product, via a post-purchase survey completed in the app by buyers. 34% of buyers were initially unaware of the brand, discovering it for the first time through the app and 83% of survey respondents expressed their intention to repurchase the product at full price. The product received really positive insights and an overall user rating of 4.56/5.
- +3.8M impressions
- 83% repurchase intent
- 75% incremental sales

And we got the results!
repurchase intent
incremental sales