Nestlé Purina® DentaLife®
Following a first, very effective campaign with Shopmium, DentaLife® utilised Shopmium once more to educate shoppers on pets’ dental health and recruit new buyers.
Supporting Dental Month, Shopmium ran two campaigns; one to recruit new buyers of DentaLife® Dog dental sticks and a second one to make people aware and drive trial of their NPD: DentaLife® Cat treats.

The solution
Combining Creative with Call to Action
Alongside great brand led, education driving creative, Shopmium created calls to action that were designed to maximise conversion to drive trial and secondary purchase.
Try “Single Format” for FREE and then be able to purchase a MULTI-PACK for Half Price.
A Successful Campaign offering great Data & Insights
94% of buyers were new and had never bought the products before and 80% intended to repurchase.
More than 1,200 shoppers rated & reviewed the products (with an average score or 4.7/5), providing key insights for the brand.

And we got the results!
Incremental Sales
Buyers are New or Lapsed
Intend to re-purchase